Copyright 2023 NewLife for Women. All rights reserved.

Our Programs are certified by the Substance Abuse Division of the Alabama Department of Mental Health.

NewLife for Women

NewLife is a Long-term, Intensive, Faith-based, Experiential treatment program for women who need help in overcoming their addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Phase I of the program is our residential rehabilitation phase and is designed to offer the most intensive therapeutic care.

Phase II of the program is our three-quarter care phase and is designed for those persons who have completed the first phase of treatment either at our facility or at another facility, but require a continued level of intense care.

The final phase (Phase III) is our half-way phase and is designed for women who are finishing their treatment and transitioning into a normal life. Clients may be admitted into any one of these phases after a careful assessment is provided by our professional staff.

The length of stay is based on the clinical needs of the individual and her progression through the phase of treatment she has entered. The NewLife program offers: individualized treatment planning, individual therapy, group counseling and family support services. Our rehabilitation program addresses: addiction, relapse prevention, family dynamics, parenting skills, stress and anger management, coping skills, domestic abuse, and basic living skills. NewLife's professional staff works jointly with the court systems to provide timely assessments, referrals, placement and treatment for addicted women. For more information on the program
click here.